
Explaination for EXP2

I misunderstood the definition of 9 rectangle prisms, as a result of which I didn't take those in platforms, ramps and the auxiliary spaces into calculation.


EXP2: Resolved Model in Goodgle 3D Warehouse

Link: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=fb1afa03f6c8c1d3e77e93ca6c7bd4cd

EXP2: Crisis Wars Objects and Levels Folder

Link: http://www.filefront.com/16364479/z3277033_EPX2_Objects-Levels-Folder.zip

EXP2: Final model

The form, which applied contrastive proportion and scale of the rectangle prisms, of Darwin's lab (located at the right hand) comes from his diea "strongest live and the weakest die". While the design of Hawking's lab (located at the left hand) was inspired by his theory of "no boundary" in the universe. Some exoteric spaces are extended from the rectangle prisms, which break and expand its spacial characteristics. Finally, the small cube between their labs is their meeting place.

The meeting place is not only a conjunction of two laboratories, but a transition of different forms. The conscious attempt here is to create some vertical windows that protrude the small cube, thereby extending the boundary of the space.

Air view 1

Air View 2

Air View 3

The ramp connecting the landform to Hawking's lab

The ramp connecting the landform to Darwin's lab

Basic Sketch

Textures Used in Model (Hawking's lab, Meeting space, Darwin's lab, respectively)

EXP2: 36 Custom textures

Lecture 7: Reflection of “Black Box”

EXP2: Electroliquid Aggregation

Charles Darwin: "One general law, leading to the advancement of all organic beings, namely, multiply, vary, let the strongest live and the weakest die."

Stephen Hawkin: "The boundary condtion of the universe is that it has no boundary."

Electroliquid Aggregation: "One general law, leading to the advancement of all organic beings is that the universe has no boundary."

EXP2: The intersected axonometric in Crisis

EXP2: 6 Intersected Axonometrics

EXP2: The Axonometric in Crisis

EXP2: 18 Axonometrics